IAS 2017 – 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (Paris)

Our Symposium: Recent Advances in Mathematical Modelling to Inform HIV Prevention Research Activities and Directions


  • Marie-Claude Boily, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Kate Margaret Mitchell, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Dobromir Dimitrov, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, United States

Introduction to HPTN modelling Centre

Marie-Claude Boily

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Women at risk, young people and HIV interventions in Ivory Coast: what is their impact on the national HIV epidemic?

Mathieu Maheu-Giroux

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Estimating the impact of improvements in the HIV care cascade on HIV incidence among men who have sex with men in the US: mathematical modelling for HPTN 078

Kate Margaret Mitchell

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Recruitment of Female Sex Workers in HIV Prevention Trials: Could Efficacy Endpoints Be Reached More Efficiently in HPTN trials?

Dobromir Dimitrov

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Main conference

Dynamic modelling of the HIV care cascade in the United States: where are people leaving the cascade and where should we intervene?

Feyi Fadero, Marie-Claude Boily, Kate M Mitchell

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